This is my SixAxis Motion Control walkthrough to Lair. This is the Out of the Ashes part of the game. It's takes a little time getting used to the controls but once you do the game is so terrific. Please thumbs up/like. Enjoy!
1) Find the water source. Use your fire stream on the swarmers and follow the trail of vegetation. This area can be confusing so you want to fly straight until you see the first group of swarmers, then go left above the vegetation. You should see a stone pillar up ahead and a stone arch just right of it. Fly under or over the arch and kill more swarmers on your right, then go right through the valley and head left past more plants. You'll see some pillars on your right, but keep left and fly up high over the rocks to reach water.
2) Protect the old woman from the Spiderwasp. Shoot the Spiderwasp and dodge its venom, then dodge the stinger and dash to get on its back. Rip apart the Spiderwasp's shell and repeat this until it's dead.
3) Pursue the fleeing Asylians.
4) Destroy the Asylian caravan. There are two large Warbeasts here and you want to attack the TWO weapon platforms on their backs until they're removed. Now you can fly close to their legs, latch and dash to take them down.